Find information about iwi, hapū and marae
Te Kāhui Māngai can help you find basic information about iwi, hapū and marae across the motu.
Finding information on iwi and hapū
Whānau can search for information either by region or by local authority.
- You can use the map search to find iwi and hapū information by region.
- You can identify iwi with an interest in a local authority district by using the local authority search. The representative organisation page for each iwi shows information on affiliated hapū in the district.
Find iwi by map
Finding Marae
Marae on Te Kāhui Māngai are grouped into tribal and non-tribal marae.
Tribal Marae
Tribal marae are linked to iwi, hapū and whānau through whakapapa. Use the “iwi by map” search to find details of marae associated with each iwi.
Find iwi by map
Non-Tribal Marae
The list of non-tribal marae includes urban and community marae, as well as institutional marae.
Urban and community marae are often pan-tribal and serve the wider community. Institutional marae are specifically associated with a:
- local school
- polytechnic
- university
- church
- branch of the armed forces
- social service provider, or
- other institution.
Site owner
This site is owned and maintained by Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Māori Development. If you have any questions or comments about the site, please email webmaster@tpk.govt.nz.